
Minister inspects $35m water project

July 4, 2024 6:56 am

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

Minister for Infrastructure Ro Filipe Tuisawau inspected the elevated Princess Road Water Infrastructure project yesterday.

The $35 million project will resolve water supply issues for residents in Tamavua and surrounding areas.

Ro Filipe says that as part of the project, a pipeline will be installed connecting from the Sawani junction to Princess Road, extending towards the Khalsa Road junction.

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The Minister adds that WAF is expected to finalize the tender process by November, with the project slated for completion within two years.

“It will also involve the installation of two extra tanks which will alleviate water issues in elevated areas such as Tamavua, Sakoca etc. As a government, this is something we have been looking forward to which I have also impressed upon the Water Authority of Fiji in terms of the hastening of this project.”

Ro Filipe stresses that this project extends the benefits of the Viria Water project, which has already alleviated water supply challenges for many residents.