
Minister emphasizes on parental involvement

August 14, 2024 2:34 pm

Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro has emphasized on the crucial role of education in shaping the future of our youths during his visit to Yasayasa Moala College in Lau Island.

Addressing parents and students during his first official visit to Moala Island, Radrodro highlights the challenges that students in remote maritime islands face, including the risk of school dropout and the rising drug issue.

Radrodro stresses the importance of parental involvement, urging them to ensure their children remain committed to studies.

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He says education is not only a pathway to personal success but also a vital tool in changing mindsets and guiding students to make informed and positive life decisions.

During his visit, Radrodro expressed his gratitude to the teachers of Yasayasa Moala College, acknowledging their dedication and hard work despite the unique challenges posed by working in the maritime region.

He commended them for their perseverance in providing quality education to the students, contributing significantly to the community’s development.

The students of Yasayasa Moala College warmly welcomed the Minister, marking a significant moment in his visit to Yasayasa Moala, which also includes the islands of Matuku, Totoya, and Vanuavatu.