
Mindset change needed for waste management

August 22, 2024 11:50 am

A mindset change is required to assist in helping improve waste management efforts across the country.

This was highlighted by the Permanent Secretary for Environment and Climate Change Dr Sivendra Michael who states that such actions need to start from home.

Michael says that initiating changes starts in the community level by providing proper waste disposal amenities.

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He adds that while continuous education is needed for awareness purposes, innovation also plays a vital role in waste management.

“I think while we are doing this clean-up, and if there is no behavior change, who are we cleaning up for? It’s a very important question that we need to ask. I think the society itself needs to rethink the very aspects of land that provides for you, that you are throwing rubbish against, the very ocean that feeds you, that you are disposing rubbish in. Those are the hard questions that we need to ask ourselves.”

Michael highlights that municipal councils even with limited resources are making good progress in waste management efforts.

He says that at the ministry level they are finalizing some legislation to engage more public and private stakeholders in recycling and management efforts.

The environment PS is calling for a unified front from the member of the public to improve the up keep of our environment.