
Million visitors for Fiji this year

September 26, 2024 12:33 pm

Fiji is expected to reach a million visitors by the end of this year.

While opening the 2024 Tourism Convention at the Sheraton Fiji Golf & Beach Resort, Deputy Prime Minister Viliame Gavoka says from January to August this year, there have been 640,274 travelers into Fiji.

According to Gavoka, to reach 1 million visitors, Fiji needs about 90,000 per month.

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However, Gavoka who is also the Minister for Tourism stresses that while the industry has come a long way together and built a strong foundation for the future, now is the time to reset.

He stresses that now is the time to accelerate efforts and take bold steps to ensure that Fiji remains a leader in sustainable tourism.

“I call upon each of you our industry leaders, stakeholders, and partners to continue working with us, and to inspire. The world is watching, and we have an incredible opportunity to show that Fiji is not just a destination, but a beacon of hope, sustainability, and resilience.”

The Deputy Prime Minister also highlights that Fiji’s tourism sector surpassed expectations having received a record 929,740 visitors who contributed FJ$3.3 billion to the visitor economy.

Gavoka says this marks a 4% increase above pre-pandemic levels, a clear sign that our tourism industry is not only recovering but forging ahead stronger than ever.

He also stresses that at the heart of these strategies is the understanding that all these things cannot be done alone which is why public-private partnership is essential to the success.

Gavoka adds that the Government’s role is to create an enabling environment, but it is the collaboration with the private sector that will propel us forward.