
Meet to address Taveuni’s waste management challenges

July 21, 2024 4:14 pm

[Source: PRF/ Facebook]

The Pacific Recycling Foundation, in collaboration with Tourism Fiji, successfully convened the inaugural stakeholder meeting to address Taveuni’s pressing waste management challenges.

The meeting brought together a diverse group of stakeholders and they agreed on three pivotal components to address Taveuni’s waste management issues.

This includes the implementation of the Recycling on the Go Ambassadors Program at Holy Cross College and Holy Cross Primary School.

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Secondly, establishing a collection point for all hotels and resorts to drop off their recyclables will form the core of the pilot hotel and resort program and the formation of a cooperative, comprising women and members of the LGBTQI+ community, that will be involved in the collection of recyclables in Taveuni.

The founder of Pacific Recycling Foundation, Amitesh Deo emphasised the importance of these collaborative efforts.

He says they are thrilled to have successfully convened the inaugural stakeholder meeting to address Taveuni’s pressing waste management challenges.

Deo says the collaboration of various stakeholders underscores the importance and urgency of this initiative.

PRF will adopt strategic approaches to fully develop the three components of the project.

Two project coordination meetings are scheduled for October 2024, after which the implementation dates are expected to be announced.