
Mediation key to national healing says Kiran

September 21, 2024 6:30 am

Truth and Reconciliation Committee Chair Sashi Kiran emphasizes the crucial role of mediation and negotiation in fostering peace and healing in the nation.

Speaking at a Negotiations and Mediation Training event, Kiran highlighted how conflicts rooted in differences of values, ideas, and ethnicity have long plagued Fiji.

She stresses that building skills in mediation is essential for resolving these conflicts and creating a peaceful society.

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Kiran also shared the heart-wrenching experiences encountered during national consultations, where people expressed deep emotional wounds tied to past events.

She notes that the pain of the past continues to affect younger generations.

Without a space for reconciliation, Kiran warned, future generations would inherit a narrative of pain and suffering.

She says the establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission aims to offer that space for healing.

Kiran is calling for a shift towards positive narratives to foster unity and social cohesion.

She also praised the collaborative efforts between the government and international partners, such as the UNDP and the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, to build a network of skilled mediators and negotiators across Fiji.

She urged participants to apply the skills learned in the training to their communities, helping to create a more empathetic, understanding, and peaceful nation.