
Maritime connectivity subsidy reaches $1.2M

June 27, 2024 5:44 am

[File Photo]

The government has paid a total of $1.2m of subsidy to vessel operators as part of the shipping franchise scheme.

The scheme was designed to support maritime islands with uneconomical routes and vessel operators have completed 150 trips between August 2023 and May this year.

The scheme aimed to enhance connectivity and accessibility to maritime island communities, and there has been positive results.

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Minister for Transport, Ro Filipe Tuisawau says between August last year and May this year, 6, 628 passengers have been brought to the mainland, while there were 6, 828 outbound passengers.

Ro Filipe says this shows a steady flow of travellers who rely on these services for their commute, access to essential services and economic activities.

He says the scheme has also supported significant cargo movement, reflecting its role in local economic development.