
Major supermarket steps in to assist

March 1, 2024 4:26 pm

The Fiji Cancer Society has noted an increase in the demand for surgeries while there is a shortage of chemotherapy drugs.

Upon receiving $57,000 from New World IGA to assist in their work today, Chief Executive Belinda Chan says they are currently focusing on addressing the demand for surgery.

Chan highlights the necessity of raising more funds to meet this challenge.

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“There’s not enough allocation, it’s not a priority at the moment, the way we see it. So this is where funds like this help us, help those with cancer.”

New World Category Manager Ageet Lal says this is part of their corporate social responsibility, as they have been supporting society for over 10 years.

“We want to add value to the people of Fiji, people who actually do not have funds to cure their sickness, we are supporting them.”

Currently, the Fiji Cancer Society is taking care of over 300 patients.