
Macuata leads environmental awareness dialogue

July 24, 2024 12:08 pm

Macuata is hosting a week-long event, Macuata Yabula Day, to raise awareness about safeguarding the province’s natural resources.

Assistant Roko Macuata, Tevita Kalou, highlight the event’s focus on enhancing environmental management skills and traditional conservation knowledge to drive positive change.

The program advocates for reducing plastic and Styrofoam use, encouraging attendees to bring their utensils, water bottles, and containers from home to support a safer environment.

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“So this program is all about acknowledging our culture and tradition and the protection of our natural resources. Macuata owns one of the largest sea reefs in the world, so the actions that are taken now will determine the future of the province, but most importantly, the people of Macuata. We need to bring them together and share traditional knowledge and ideas that will benefit them.”

Additionally, the province is addressing other pressing issues such as rising non-communicable disease rates and building resilience to climate change.

The Macuata Yabula Day concludes this Friday with planned activities including guest speakers and NGOs discussing environmental challenges and solutions.