
Lot of mental stress around stroke

July 19, 2024 6:25 am

Counterstroke Fiji Assistant Secretary Margret Reade-Browns

Counterstroke Fiji Assistant Secretary Margret Reade-Browns says people usually ignore the mental stress associated with stroke.

Reade-Browns says stroke patients and their families often go through a lot of stress which is usually suppressed.

She adds they have put in place an initiative known as ‘Talk Shops’ hosted every Thursday in Suva to assist stroke survivors and their families.

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“You know, when you have been an active member of the family, of the economy, and all of a sudden you are a person with a disability, you know, the mental effects, the depression that people face because they are suddenly either stuck at home, they can’t come out.”

Reade-Browns highlights that “Talk Shops” provides a social circle to stroke survivors, their families or caregivers to discuss challenges they face.

She says one of their prevention programs is to link mental health with physical health, so that a patient’s disability can be mitigated.