
Long-term planning essential for revitalizing SIDS economies

June 3, 2024 12:15 pm

The future of sustainable development relies on adopting a holistic approach.

Speaking on the sidelines of the 4th International Conference on SIDS in Antigua and Barbuda, Fiji’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Filipo Tarakinikini, says that revitalizing SIDS economies requires strong political will, long-term planning, and public-private partnerships.

Tarakinikini says a multifaceted strategy is needed that leverages unique resources and focuses on sustainable development.

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“We must implement inclusive policies, innovative financing, and green infrastructure to achieve sustainable development and create a brighter future for the SIDS population.”

Tarakinikini says the creation of a dedicated Loss and Damage Fund under the UN Climate Convention is a testament to SIDS’ consistent calls for equitable access to finance.

He has called on SIDS to elevate their ambitions and to support them through concrete actions implemented with urgency in order to safeguard the collective future.