
Leung tells Rabuku to step down

July 3, 2024 7:44 pm

Acting Director of Public Prosecutions John Rabuku [File Photo]

Attorney General Graham Leung has called on Acting Director of Public Prosecutions John Rabuku to vacate the position.

On a social media post made on the Fiji Government official Facebook page, Leung says Rabuku should do the honorable thing and step aside.

This comment comes as the Supreme Court ruled last week that Rabuku is not eligible to hold the portfolio.

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The government had sought clarity from the Supreme Court on Rabuku’s appointment as Acting DPP.

Last Night, the Attorney General says it is regretted that the Acting DPP has chosen to remain in office following the opinion of the Supreme Court.

Leung says he needs to step aside stressing the office is bigger than the individual.

Rabuku had earlier told FBC News that for now he remains in office and is awaiting the decision from the Judicial Services Commission.

FBC News is attempting to get a comment from Rabuku.