
Let’s unite and act call made

July 30, 2024 12:54 pm

Opening of the 2nd Minister for iTaukei Resource Owners Forum

Yatu Lau Company Chair Viliame Leqa called for decisive action and unity among Itaukei resource owners.

While speaking at the opening of the 2nd Minister for iTaukei Resource Owners Forum in Lami this morning, Leqa emphasized the urgent need to harness potential for the betterment of iTaukei’s livelihoods and communities.

Leqa says strategic resource management and government support are crucial.

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“The forum is an urgent call to action. We must harness our natural resources sustainably and address the extreme poverty affecting 75% of the iTaukei population. This is our moment to take action.”

Leqa acknowledged the government’s various assistance programs, grants, and incentives designed to support sustainable development.

“The government has other priorities, and we must use whatever is available. Last year, significant milestones were achieved through initiatives like the iTaukei Wealth Fund and land development facilities. We must continue to build on these successes.”

Recent statistics show that communities embracing health and assistance programs have seen up to a 30% increase in local employment and a 25% rise in household incomes.

Leqa stresses while innovation is critical, people should not abandon their traditions but instead integrate them with new technologies.

Leqa also emphasized the power of unity among resource owners.

He called for the creation of cooperatives, alliances, and networks to leverage collective strengths and negotiate better deals.

The forum, which aims to chart a course for a better future for the iTaukei, serves as a platform for discussing partnerships and strategies for sustainable development.

The Forum includes resource owners from the 14 provinces around the country which will also include a presentation from the iTaukei Land Trust Board, Fijian Holdings, Ministry of iTaukei Affairs and other stakeholders.