
Landowners present submissions on Mining Act

July 18, 2024 12:27 pm

Landowners present submissions

Landowners from provinces affected by mining activities have presented their submissions regarding the review of the Mining Act.

The District of Nasigatoka of Nadroga, the LAMA group of Namosi and Nawaidina, Votua-Ba, Saivou, and Navitilevu of Ra, and Wainunu-Bua raised concerns regarding the lack of awareness about the draft bill.

Speaking on behalf of the landowners, “Lomani Au Maroroi Au” or LAMA Chair Sipiriano Nariva says the submissions primarily focused on the issues faced by landowners.

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Nariva says many landowners reported difficulties in understanding the bill, which is written in English, posing a barrier to those who are not proficient in the language.

“We are concerned about the potential negative impacts that mineral exploitation can have on our land, our culture, and our way of life.”

Nariva emphasizes the need to address these issues in the best interest of the landowners.

Director of the Department of Mineral Resources, Apete Soro acknowledged the concerns raised by the landowners and assured them that the Ministry will look into the issues presented.

The Mining Act 1995, which is currently under review, was enacted in 1996.

There were only eight amendments made, and the last amendment was done in 2001.