
Labour lauds TRC bill

December 6, 2024 4:43 pm

The Fiji Labour Party has welcomed the passing of the Truth and Reconciliation Bill in Parliament this week.

Party leader Mahendra Chaudhry stated that they have been assured that the Commission will be apolitical and the Commission will be chaired by someone from the global human rights community to ensure trust and credibility.
Chaudhry asked that three of the five commissioners must be locals.

Fiji Labour Party adds that they have been key advocates of the Truth and Reconciliation process because they believe for Fiji to move forward the traumas of the past have to be dealt with openly and fairly.

Chaudhry says they hope that the President will be cautious in appointing to the Commission people, and that the appointments will be people who are independent and have standing and respect in society with no political agenda.

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The Fiji Labour Party says it is aware that some members of parliament spoke out strongly against the reconciliation process as they believe it will unnecessarily rekindle memories of the terror and violence associated with the coups.

He adds that while they are aware of the suffering and violence inflicted on the people, they deserve the long-sought justice and closure which they have been denied so far.

The Fiji Labour Party hopes the Truth and Reconciliation Commission will do justice to these victims of the coups as what happened in the past must be recorded in the annals of our history.

The party leader says he looks forward to the TRC report.