
Koya is unpopular says Bulitavu

June 5, 2024 6:57 am

Acting General Secretary of FijiFirst Faiyaz Koya (left), Opposition MP Mosese Bulitavu

Some FijiFirst Members of Parliament are asking Supervisor of Elections Ana Mataiciwa to look into the appointment of Faiyaz Koya as their Acting General Secretary.

Opposition MP Mosese Bulitavu says the appointment is questionable.

He claims due process was not followed in appointing Koya to the position.

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“Honorable Koya is unpopular in the Caucus and also unpopular with the voters in Fiji, and his selection to become acting general secretary for the party is still questionable, and that is something that we are also raising with the Supervisor of Elections, who has given notice to the party on how he was elected in the first place.”

Meanwhile, FijiFirst is expected to submit to the Fijian Elections Office today the list of its office bearers.

Recently, the party said former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama is still their leader, although he is convicted.

This stance is under investigation by the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption, following a probable breach identified by the Fijian Elections Office due to his conviction.

We are also trying to get a comment from FijiFirst.