
Kava Bill and medicinal cannabis legislation to boost economy

August 8, 2024 6:20 am

[Source: Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications / Facebook]

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade Manoa Kamikamica has highlighted the progress on the Kava Bill and the legislative process for medicinal cannabis.

Kamikamica says both of these are poised to drive substantial economic growth in Fiji.

Kamikamica emphasized the potential of the kava industry, which he described as a billion-dollar opportunity for the country.

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I’m working with the Minister for Agriculture to bring forward the Kava bill. Like I have said numerous times here it is a billion-dollar industry for our country. I cannot understand why the Kava bill was not passed by the previous government, but that’s okay, sir. We will do it.

In addition to the Kava Bill, Kamikamica reported that they are at the final stages of starting the legislative process for medicinal cannabis.

[Source: Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications / Facebook]

He believes that this will open up new economic opportunities for Fiji.

Kamikamica says commercialization of natural medicines could significantly benefit the national economy.