
Japan increases grant for Tamavua-i-wai bridge project

June 22, 2024 12:14 pm

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

The cabinet has endorsed the execution of the amended grant agreement with the Government of Japan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency.

This is for the reconstruction of the Tamavua-i-wai bridge project.

The Japanese government is increasing the grant aid for the project from approximately $43.4 million to approximately $57.6 million.

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This substantial increase of approximately $14.2 million primarily addresses the unforeseen price escalations encountered during the project’s execution.

The Fiji Roads Authority will continue to be the executing agency to implement and ensure the completion of the project on behalf of the Fiji Government.

The Japanese government, through JICA, is supporting the reconstruction of the Tamavua-i-wai bridge in Suva with a two-phase grant approach.

Phase I focused on an in-depth evaluation of the site with relevant engineering and construction information to ensure that the bridge will serve communities and businesses as a resilient national infrastructure against natural disasters.

Phase 2 will ensure progression and financial resourcing for the completion of the bridge construction as part of ongoing bilateral cooperation between Fiji and Japan.