
Investment Fiji bridges local businesses with global investors

September 17, 2024 6:39 am

Investment Fiji’s Regional Business Development Manager Lisala Dyer emphasizes the advisory role that the organization plays in understanding the domestic market and linking it with foreign investment opportunities.

Dyer explains that Investment Fiji works closely with local businesses to help them connect with foreign investors especially when local entrepreneurs face financial challenges, such as difficulties in securing loans due to certain risks.

By understanding a business’s proposal and potential, Investment Fiji can link them with investors who might be interested in financing and elevating their ventures.

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“We can work with you to understand your business proposal and work with and connect you with foreign investors who may finance your business and take it to a greater height. And that’s what we do as well.”

This approach is particularly relevant in sectors like energy and tourism, where there is significant opportunity for growth.

Dyer highlights the potential of rejuvenating the tourism sector by leveraging land resources to develop agribusiness and agritourism.

This type of tourism appeals to visitors seeking to disconnect from the hustle of everyday life and reconnect with nature.

With proper development, such ventures can attract international tourists and create new joint venture opportunities, contributing to Fiji’s economic growth.