The Climate Adaption and Protected Areas Initiative aims to implement natural solutions that respond well to climate change and biodiversity impacts in Fiji.
The initiative will focus on the participation of underrepresented groups mainly to promote sustainable fisheries and create new community conservation areas to help preserve functional and healthy ecosystems.
A workshop was held today to present the project to stakeholders and get their views.
After FRIPA consent in 20 communities, the Wildlife Conservation Society Fiji Manager Akanisi Caginitoba plans climate risk assessment and nature-based interventions with authorities and locals.
“From this workshop the main thing we want to showcase today is just trying to work with all these national and local authorities stakeholders just to help us with the implementation of this project that’s why we have these various government officials that’s going to help with us in implementing and also the local communities in the various areas that we are going to work with.”
Director of Operations at iTaukei Affairs Board, Mosese Nakoroi, aims to empower 14 provincial council conservation offices as community-level environment enforcers, with legislative support from the Department of Environment.
“How are we going to change the mindset of our people, the resource owners adapt to these changes one is that we having this problem of protected areas, that is one of the change they have been living with that from years, from generations and we are trying to protect those areas, what are the alternatives for them to go for other income resource generations.”
Nakoroi urges leaders to adapt to Fiji’s current climate change challenges and help conserve protected areas nationwide.
“From the iTaukei Affairs perspective it’s all about the government sector that we have in trying to get our leaders to adapt to the changes we are facing right now in Fiji, in regards to vulnerability of climate change and also the protected areas that we have around the country.”
The Fiji CAPA program operates in 20 different communities across several districts, including Nakorotubu, Dawasamu, Namalata, Kubulau in Bua, and Bureta in Ovalau, mainly focusing on climate vulnerability risks.