
ICAF project to assist vulnerable communities

June 24, 2024 4:14 pm

Civil society organizations have joined forces to strengthen the capacities of vulnerable communities in mitigating and adapting to the adverse effects of climate change.

This is through the Inclusive Climate Action for Fiji project, headed by the Rotary Pacific Water for Life Foundation in partnership with NatureFiji – MareqetiViti and Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation.

Speaking at the launch of the project today, Ambassador of the European Union Barbara Plinkert says the initiative emphasizes the importance of empowering individuals to build resilience against climate change.

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Plinkert says a variety of activities will be carried out under the project.

“So this is to be achieved through climate smart agriculture such as water conservation strategies and hydroponic and climate resilient model farms and I’m particularly excited to see that local civil society organizations will be trained and further capacitated, particularly organizations for persons with disabilities, women and youth and schools.”

Plinkert says a much-needed action has been taken to provide reliable access to water and sanitation services, considering that only half of the population have access to the necessities in the Pacific.

She adds their efforts to address climate change is among three priorities of their cooperation in the Pacific, aligned with the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent.

The ICAF project valued at around $1.5 million has been funded by the European Union and co-funded by Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation.