
Hotel to drive growth

September 12, 2024 6:40 am

In a move that promises to enhance economic growth in the District of Cawa, Koro, plans are underway to develop a seven-star hotel.

The proposed project, set to be built in Nabuna Village is a significant step in the district’s post-cyclone recovery efforts.

During a talanoa session held yesterday, district representative Sekaia Bolabola revealed that discussions between landowners and investors are ongoing with optimism surrounding the potential economic benefits for the local community.

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“After the devastation caused by Cyclone Winston, the economic outlook for Cawa is encouraging, we believe that this hotel project marks a step in the right direction for the district’s economic growth.”

Minister for Justice Siromi Turaga commended the resilience and dedication of the people of Cawa, who are showing remarkable strength in rebuilding their community after Tropical Cyclone Winston.

The proposed hotel is expected to attract domestic and international tourists, create job opportunities, and promote local development.