
High court grants another stay in Grace Road case

November 17, 2023 4:45 pm

Grace Road President Daniel Kim [white shirt]

Lautoka High Court has granted another stay in the matter in relation to Grace Road President Daniel Kim and others.

This matter relates to the constitutional redress application.

The notice of originating motion for the applicants, among other reliefs, sought an interim order restraining authorities from removing them from Fiji until further orders of the court.

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The applicants in this matter are Jung Yong Kim, Beomseop Shin, and Sung Jin Lee.

High Court Judge Justice Lyone Seneviratne said that the only issue is whether the applicants are entitled to be present in court when their application is heard.

The judge said that the counsel for the respondent, Ropate Green, submitted that the applicants could participate at the hearing from their country if they were removed from Fiji.

Based on this, Justice Seneviratne granted the application.

The matter will be called again on 7th December.