
HIV treatment nonadherence on the rise in Fiji

July 26, 2024 6:15 am

The majority of HIV patients in Fiji are opting not to receive treatment and this is a concerning trend that has been raised by UNAIDS.

A recent report by UNAIDS, titled “The Urgency of Now: AIDS at a Crossroads,” reveals that last year, 415 new HIV cases were recorded in Fiji, and alarmingly, less than 30 percent of these cases or only 125 patients received treatment.

UNAIDS Regional Director Eamonn Murphy emphasizes that persistent social and structural factors are driving people away from HIV services.

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He is calling for increased HIV treatment accessibility for patients.

“It is now that we need to see this action to impact the epidemic and people’s lives. Every gap to the treatment target represents our risk of losing more lives and increasing new infections in our region.”

Murphy is calling for a comprehensive approach to combat the HIV epidemic.

UNAIDS is also urging countries to urgently invest in prevention and community leadership to combat the surge in HIV cases.