Budget 2023-24

Health system on the verge of collapse: Prasad

June 30, 2023 9:55 am

Finance Minister, Professor Biman Prasad says the coalition government inherited a national health system that is on the verge of collapse.

In his national budget announcement, Professor Prasad says they recently learned that the Navua Hospital which was built 10 years ago was never properly certified.

The Hospital does not have consistent power and water supply says Prasad.

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He adds the hospital will need an overhaul which will cost more than $10m.

“But this is just one example of the crisis we face in almost all our health facilities. The CWM hospital still has no laundry, years after a fire there. Levuka Hospital’s mortuary is not working. Most of our hospitals are in shocking physical condition. The toilets are not working. There are long queues of people waiting for hours in need for urgent health care.”

Professor Prasad says most medical equipment is not working and essential drugs and medicines are also not available on time.

He adds the Ministry lacks 800 nurses and doctors. Prasad says other health professionals are already exhausted and are being treated poorly when they are heard when they try to offer solutions.

The Finance Minister says this is the consequence of years of serious neglect of health infrastructure and services by the previous government.