A Digital Health Steering Group is now in place to oversee and make important decisions regarding the advancement of digital technology in healthcare.
Group Chair Dr. Kitione Waqanisau, states their focus is on accomplishing the objectives outlined in the recently launched Digital Health Strategy for 2023–2027.
He adds that digital advancements have evolved significantly since 1999, and the newly established committee aims to fast-track processes for an efficient, secure, and digitally empowered healthcare system.
“A group that will be acting as captains will be making the decisions as we move forward into this ever-changing world. And then this is the digital health strategy for the next five years.”
Group Chair Dr. Kitione Waqanisau.
Dr. Waqanisau adds in light of the dynamic digital era, the group will also ensure timely reviews are carried out.
“Since the digital world is ever-changing and technologies from last year are obsolete this year, we cannot make an accurate prediction on how we’re going to solve the problem in the next five years. So the Digital Health Implementation Plan is living plan, the living plan that will be geared and led by the Digital Steering Group.”
The Digital Health Steering Committee comprises members from the Digital Health Implementation Group, including Telemedicine, Radiology, and other working groups.