
Denial among prostate cancer patients concerning

June 9, 2023 3:16 pm

The majority of men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer tend to live in denial.

Senior Registrar at the Urology Clinic, Doctor Parneet Harish, says many of their patients are over the age of 50 and are reluctant to receive proper treatment.

Medical experts say some patients do not realize that prostate cancer is a disease that needs urgent treatment and medical attention.

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“Most of them are in denial. They suspect I’m 60; I’m moving around; I’m walking to town; I’m walking back home; I’m walking on the farm; and everything else. And usually they don’t have that insight that this is a disease that needs treatment, and they need to seek medical treatment.”

Doctor Harish says instead, patients turn to herbal medicine.

“We just recently had a patient who was asking if he could try this heavy medicine, and he said a lot of people have been treated with that. And we usually tell them that in the medical field, we usually use something that is FDA-approved. We cannot vouch for anything other than that.”

Meanwhile, they are involving counsellors for these patients at the hospital.