
Cabinet Approves Flu Tracking Fiji Project

October 12, 2023 8:23 am

A lady in a mask. [File Photo]

Cabinet has approved a flu tracking project to improve community-based respiratory illness surveillance in Fiji.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is funding the expansion of FluTracking with the support of Hunter New England Health, Beyond Essential Systems, and DFAT’s Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security.

The Flu Tracking Project between will set up FluTracking using crowd-sourced data from voluntary participants for surveillance of respiratory illnesses such as influenza-like illness.

FluTracking is a crowd-sourced, online health surveillance system used to detect disease outbreaks and epidemics across Australia and New Zealand.

Running since 2006 in Australia and 2018 in New Zealand, the system provides a real-time source of syndromic surveillance data to augment other existing systems.