
Head teachers reminded of their critical roles

August 22, 2024 5:30 am

[Source: Ministry of Education / Facebook]

Education Minister Aseri Radrodro says education is a key component of the country’s socioeconomic development, and the coalition government recognizes the importance of empowering individuals.

Speaking at the 41st Fiji Head Teachers Association Annual Conference, Radrodro reminded participants to ensure accountability and good governance of resources, making sure they are used effectively to meet the school’s needs.

He urged head teachers to step out of their comfort zones and pursue additional training and capacity building.

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[Source: Ministry of Education / Facebook]

The Education Minister also highlighted the importance of addressing outstanding community issues, such as ensuring an inclusive language of learning and bridging divides.

Radrodro emphasized the need to understand and respect our vibrant differences to build a dynamic, multiracial, and multi-faceted Fiji.

The theme of the 41st conference was “Empowering Fiji’s Future: Nurturing Innovative, Lifelong Learners and Enriching Lives Through Quality Education and Delivery for All.”