
Head of State stresses importance of values

August 27, 2024 5:20 am

[Source: Fiji Government / Facebook]

President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere has highlighted the need for more unity and collaboration in the space of education in Fiji.

Speaking at the 90th Annual Fijian Teachers Association conference, Ratu Wiliame emphasized the importance of educators and guardians sharing constructive disciplinary strategies amid rising social ills and peer influences.

He also stressed the importance of upholding values, encouraging change and collaboration in light of the conferences theme of “Butu Mawe Solesolevaki kei na Cavuisausau” (following footsteps, collaboration and attaining excellence).

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[Source: Fiji Government / Facebook]

The President acknowledged the significant contributions of past and present educators of Fiji who have continued to add significant value to the quality of education.

Ratu Wiliame adds that educational reforms and policies that now form the foundation of our nation’s education system, has continuously adapted to the evolving educational landscape.

The Head of State also commended all teachers who are mothers and guardians, nurturing their children in agreeably systematic environments.