
Harish Sharma's memoir launched

August 16, 2024 9:30 am

Harish Sharma (left) and Professor Biman Prasad

An illustrious politician, Harish Sharma has launched a memoir of his life, titled “Road to Parliament – A Glimpse into the Life of Honorable Harish C Sharma”, in Fiji.

The learned leader has successfully contested seven elections and was instrumental in the formation of a coalition government between the National Federation Party and the Fiji Labour Party in 1987.

He was then appointed the Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister for Housing, Urban Affairs and Information in the month-long Timoci Bavadra led government which Sitiveni Rabuka deposed.

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Speaking at the launch of the book at Jai Narayan College in Suva last night, Sharma reflected on valuable lessons he learnt as he withstood adversities through every step to success.

Harish Sharma

“People who came to know me later in life thought I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. On the contrary, I had to undergo great hardship, but I never wavered. So, the first message is … set a goal and then do everything possible to reach that goal. The second message is that you should live within your means.”

He hopes the account of his achievement in life would encourage Fijians to always pursue their passion without fear, until they have achieved their aspiration in life.

Sharma acknowledges the sincere support extended by his wife, children and friends which assisted in the compilation of his account in life, which he believes will influence the lives of current and future generations.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Professor Biman Prasad expressed gratitude for Sharma’s immense contribution to the enhancement of religious, cultural and political landscape in Fiji.

Harish Sharma (left) and Professor Biman Prasad

Sharma re-entered parliament in 1994 and served as Deputy Leader of the Opposition under Jai Ram Reddy until 1999 before he left the arena of politics and currently resides with his family in Sydney, Australia.