An investigation is underway to justify the increase costs on some road projects.
Minister for Public Works Ro Filipe Tuisawau says the Queen Elizabeth Drive upgrade increased by $3.7 million to meet climate resilience, including the lifting of coal, payment works and services, and relocation of EFL and TFL.
Tuisawau adds that the government has so far paid $49.7 million, with an estimated total cost of completion of $65.7 million.
“At the moment, the Fiji Roads Authority board is investigating with the Auditor General’s office. We are conducting a special audit for the various projects, including some of the road projects that have been done in the past where the cost may have exceeded excessively or in terms of the variations, so that’s the current status right now. So I’ve impressed upon the board to expedite that so we can decide on the outcome moving forward.”
Ro Filipe adds that the Auditor General’s office is expected to complete its investigation by the end of the year.