
Government open to addressing teacher pay concerns

June 4, 2024 4:16 pm

Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad

In response to the demand for adjustments to the salaries of teachers, Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad says that the plight will be considered in the formulation of the upcoming national budget.

The Fiji Teachers Union and Fijian Teachers Association have demanded an increase in salaries for teachers, issuing a warning of a potential strike if the issue remains unresolved.

Professor Prasad says the government appreciates how Fijians have been able to express themselves through a protest or strike with the freedom granted by the government.

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“As a government, you know, we are very comfortable dealing with those, you know, openness and people’s right to make their views known.”

Professor Prasad says they have taken a few steps to improve salaries for civil servants, as evident in the recent adjustment to the salaries of nurses.

The Fijian Teachers Association expressed grievances over the necessity of an increase in salaries for assistant teachers and the differentiation of salaries between the heads of department and assistant principal as they receive the same remuneration.

The Fiji Teachers Union has strongly advocated for increased salaries and improved working conditions for early childhood education teachers.

FTA and FTU have submitted their proposals to the Ministry of Finance and remain optimistic of an acceptable outcome in the 2024–2025 national budget.