
Government applauds Fijian women diplomats

June 26, 2024 2:20 pm

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

The government has commended all Fijian women diplomats for their unwavering commitment and exemplary service to the nation.

The efforts of these women have been recognized as we observe the International Day for Women in Diplomacy.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says as the status hub of the Pacific region, Fiji continues to be the voice on many global and regional issues of importance.

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It says that in this respect Fijian women diplomats, as leaders and negotiators, are representing Fiji’s interests at the multilateral and regional fora.

The Ministry acknowledges the impressive work undertaken by these diplomats serving at Fiji’s Foreign Missions abroad and at the Ministry headquarters.

These diplomats are playing active roles on many issues confronting humanity from climate-ocean nexus, maritime issues, human rights, to sustainable development to mention a few.

There are 14 Fijian women diplomats currently serving in Fiji’s Missions abroad and 10 are serving at the Ministry’s five divisions and three policy bureaus; three of them headed by women Directors.