
Government aligns strategies with NDP

September 25, 2024 6:25 am

Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Finance Shiri Gounder

With the recent launch of Fiji’s National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050, all government agencies will integrate this framework into their strategic plans.

Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Finance Shiri Gounder states that it will also guide annual corporate plans and budget proposals to enhance outputs and decision-making.

He adds that the government will actively engage development partners to coordinate the financial and technical support required for successful implementation.

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“We will also work closely with the private sector, CSOs, and other stakeholders to operationalize this plan. To ensure accountability, the Ministry of Finance will provide oversight through an effective monitoring and evaluation framework, along with periodic reporting, so that we can take timely interventions as needed.”

Gounder adds this approach is key to achieving the plan’s goals effectively.