
Goundar Shipping boss apologizes for poor services

July 2, 2024 4:45 pm

Goundar Shipping’s managing director, George Goundar, has apologized to Fijians for the poor quality of services his company has been offering over the past six months.

Goundar acknowledged the discontent among travelers and pledged to transform his operations with the introduction of the newly acquired vessel, Lady Daya.

Passengers especially from Kadavu Island were affected after his ship Lomaiviti Princess 7 got stuck at Vunisea Jetty in March and had to be towed to Suva.

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“First of all, from my heart, I’d like to apologize to the people of Fiji and the travelers who were traveling for the issues that we had at sea, but hopefully we can change their minds and bring our name back up again for the service we provide here.”

Goundar is confident he can win the trust of the passengers back.

“We invested; this vessel is over six million dollars we invested in. The modification we did upstairs for the passengers is more comfort, more room, and the restaurant facilities and the accommodation up top are more advanced than what we used to have.”

Goundar assured the public that these improvements are part of a broader strategy to enhance the quality of service and reliability of Goundar Shipping, aiming to restore and exceed the expectations of its passengers.