
Global experts to attend Fiji's outsourcing event

June 6, 2024 3:45 pm

[Source: Investment Fiji/Facebook]

Consultants from the US and UK are expected to visit the country soon to help shape Fiji’s growing outsourcing industry.

Outsource Fiji Executive Director Sagufta Janif says they are working closely with Investment Fiji on the endeavor, particularly as they work towards hosting their EXO Fiji Country Famli Event later this month at the Grand Pacific Hotel.

Janif says the event is the first for Fiji, and it aims to support people in becoming familiar with the services and job opportunities that the outsourcing industry offers.

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She says that twenty-six high-profile foreign consultants will be attending the EXO Fiji Country Famli Event, and it will be a chance for Fiji to gain from their expertise.

“There are some sessions we are bringing in our workforce as well as our consultants so they can really see our workforce and our people as well, and they will also visit our service providers. So we have some site visitations as well as part of the family event, so they get to see the operations and how they are managed firsthand. And we have roughly 26 high-profile consultants and influencers in the outsourcing space. Nine are coming from Australia; we have 13 from the United States, four from the UK, and out of which three are potential investors as well.”

Janif adds that she is grateful to the Fijian and Australian governments for providing financial support and helping the sector organize such an event.

Investment Fiji CEO, Kamal Chetty, says that the event will be an opportunity for networking.

Chetty adds that attracting investors will enhance Fiji’s business ecosystem, mostly in training and ICT development.