
Gender equality at forefront of Pacific Women’s Conference

July 22, 2024 12:06 pm

[Source: SPC - Fiji/ Facebook]

Discussions on gender equality and the realization of human rights for women in the Pacific will be at the forefront of the 15th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women.

The conference is currently underway in the Marshall Islands, with government delegations from 22 countries, representatives from civil society organizations, and traditional leaders participating in the event.

The Pacific Community’s Human Rights and Social Development Director, Miles Young, says stakeholders will focus on deliberating and making decisions concerning women and girls.

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“But whatever the issues covered, please be assured that SPC stands ready to work alongside you and our development partners to support your decisions and the outcomes of the convenings. This commitment reflects the highest priority SPC gives to supporting gender equality in the region.”

Young also emphasizes that this gathering highlights their commitment to fostering inclusive dialogue and tangible actions that empower women across diverse Pacific communities.

The conference will conclude on Wednesday.