
GCC Chair calls for urgent review of legislations

August 12, 2024 4:38 pm

Ratu Viliame Seruvakula

The Great Council of Chiefs has emphasized the need for a critical review of existing legislations that have become obstacles for iTaukei resource owners.

Speaking to FBC News, Chair Ratu Viliame Seruvakula pointed out that several laws introduced by the previous government have created significant “speed bumps,” hindering the progress of iTaukei communities in fully utilizing their natural resources and venturing into the business arena.

Ratu Viliame highlighted that the GCC has been actively discussing these issues and is pushing for an urgent review of these legislations to provide more freedom and opportunities for resource owners.

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He noted that while tax incentives are being introduced to encourage i-Taukei participation in business, the complexity and lack of clarity surrounding these laws and incentives are major barriers.

“The government has done its job, the members of parliament, they’ve passed laws and all that, there’s new governments coming into place and they’ve done that. But it needs to be simplified for the ordinary people to understand what’s out there.”

Ratu Viliame stressed that it is not enough for the government to pass laws and introduce incentives; these must be simplified and communicated in a way that is easily understood by ordinary i-Taukei people.

The lack of understanding of these legal frameworks, according to Ratu Viliame, is a significant factor holding back progress.