FTUC National Secretary Felix Anthony [left] and Mahendra Chaudhry
The Fiji Trades Union Congress is content with the minimum wage issue for now with a clear understanding with the Government that the $6 minimum wage is achievable over a short period of time.
This has been highlighted by FTUC National Secretary Felix Anthony while responding to a statement by Fiji Labour Party.
In a statement on FLP’s Facebook page, they claimed that Anthony is happy with the staggered $5 an hour minimum wage although just days before he had laid claim to $6 hour.
The statement further claims that Anthony is content with Finance Minister Biman Prasad’s explanation that the increase in MPs pays and allowances was only $4m and not $8.1m as earlier stated.
It says that FTUC sees nothing unjustified or unwarranted with MPs unilaterally awarding themselves the huge hike while the rest of the workers on minimum wage get an abysmal 50c an hour increase.
In response Anthony says that the tripartite partners are now going to embark on the review of the Industry Wages Councils which will also see increases in minimum rates of pay for different industries and job classifications.
He adds they do not wish to disturb that process.
Anthony says on the public sector, negotiations and consultations are continuing.
He adds that they are very interested in the talks and will continue to liaise with the affiliates.