
FRA elevates safety standards with Australian-accredited training

July 5, 2024 5:37 am

[Source: Supplied]

The Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific, in partnership with the Australia Pacific Training Coalition, provided support to the Fiji Roads Authority to conduct the ‘Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry’ course.

This course provides Fijians with Australian-accredited equivalent construction safety credentials, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to work confidently and safely in the construction sector. It meets FRA’s specific work health and safety requirements for its road construction and maintenance activities.

The FRA is the first organization to mandate industry-recognized WHS certification for its road workers, including contractors.

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Upon completing the training, workers on construction sites will be equipped with essential safety training, ensuring they are well-versed in identifying hazards and implementing effective safety protocols.

Following a successful pilot in 2023, the course was refined and delivered to 65 FRA inspectors and road renewal contractors earlier this year.

This training ensures that workers on construction sites are well-versed in identifying hazards and implementing effective safety protocols.

The AIFFP’s approach prioritizes local employment and capacity across its projects, and the road renewal contracts are all locally registered contractors with the majority of workers being local Fijians.

APTC Country Director for Fiji and Tuvalu, Gareth McGrath, says they are proud to partner with the AIFFP to support the construction safety course initiative for the FRA.