
Former officers reflect on 2000 Sukanaivalu barracks takeover

August 24, 2024 8:26 am

Members of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces Reconciliation and Restoration Committee yesterday held a talanoa session with former military officers and family members that were involved in the takeover of the Sukanaivalu Barracks, Labasa, in 2000.

The event marks a significant moment for the RFMF and former officers going forward in unity and experiencing the sentiments that they have shared and the experiences they have gone through.

RFMF Commander Major General Ro Jone Kalouniwai states that owning up to what they did and acknowledging the fact that they were wrong was a huge achievement.

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Kalouniwai says that the talanoa session does not only unite them but also provides a form of restoration within the camp going forward.

“That was all shared today, so it was an outpouring of what they had all gone through, and also acknowledging the fact that they had committed those particular crimes against the state, against the RFMF, and acknowledging the fact that them being incarcerated for the last five to six years is something that they have come to accept, and they feel that today’s session of us sharing those experiences, acknowledging the fact that things did not go as the way we all thought that it should have happened, but it has brought out a sense of huge relief for them, and more especially for their families.”

Former Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit Soldier Rupeni Vosayaco has acknowledged the RFMF Commander for his continuous effort, support, and leadership towards the reconciliation program.

“I feel free, emotional, and thankful for what transpired today at Sukanaivalu barracks. It has been a tough journey, especially for all the division, damage, and emotional trauma it has caused to families and the nation.”

Vosayaco has also shared that the coup does not help an individual and should be a learning experience for every serving officer.

Meanwhile, the event will conclude today with a traditional Fijian reconciliation ceremony, veisorosorovi, where the RFMF will also be seeking forgiveness from the province of Macuata.