Budget 2024-25

Former governor calls for bold and transformative budget

June 27, 2024 4:01 pm

Former Governor of the Reserve Bank and Leader of the Unity Fiji Party, Savenaca Narube

Former Governor of the Reserve Bank and Leader of the Unity Fiji Party, Savenaca Narube, emphasizes the need for a bold and transformative approach in the upcoming national budget.

Speaking on the current state of the budget, Narube argues that sheer incremental adjustments are insufficient.

“The upcoming budget has to be bold and transformative in its overall stance. It’s not just about adding a few million here or deducting a bit there. We need a budget that is directionally strong and focused on where we should be heading.”

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Narube stresses the importance of setting clear priorities, particularly in areas that urgently require attention.

“We must really look at our priorities, and right now, health services and addressing the issue of drugs are at the top of the list.”

He believes that this approach will not only address immediate needs but will also set a strong foundation for future development.

“It’s very exciting to do that. A transformative, innovative, and bold budget is what we need.”

As the government prepares to announce the 2024-25 National Budget, Narube’s call for a decisive and forward-thinking plan echoes with the need for substantial reforms to drive progress and ensure supportable progress.