
Food and kava but not welfare of farmers: Singh

August 7, 2024 12:50 pm

Minister for Sugar Charan Jeath Singh has expressed concerns over the lack of support sugarcane farmers are receiving from Fiji Sugar Corporation workers.

Speaking in Parliament on the FSC 2020–2023 Consolidated Review Report, Singh highlighted the challenges he encountered upon assuming office in the past two years.

Singh points out that different entities within the FSC operate with their own officers and Chief Executives but these groups often do not collaborate effectively.

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This disunity, according to Singh has contributed to a significant decline in the support provided to farmers.

” One of the problems that we also found was this, the sugarcane, the FSC workers on the ground, they were not supporting the farmers. They would go around in the vans, move around, have grog, have chicken curry, and then would come back. Unlike in previous years, the farm advisors, the field officers, used to go out to the farmers, tell them, teach them, and support them. So again, I’ve been warning these FSC workers now that if you are not working hard, if you are not doing your job, please go out of the industry.”

One of the critical issues Singh identified is the decline in cane production, which he attributes partly to the failure of farmers to replant on time.

Cane production has plummeted from 100 tons per hectare to approximately 47 tons per hectare.

Singh noted that in other countries, cane production remains steady at around 100 tons per hectare.

To address this, Singh emphasized the need to increase productivity rather than expand the area under cultivation.

The ministry is looking to introduce mechanization and provide more support to farmers to boost production to at least 75 to 80 tons per hectare.

Singh also criticized the traditional approach of some farmers, who may own large farms but only cultivate a small portion of their land urging a shift towards more efficient and productive farming practices.