In a heartwarming tale of triumph, Rohit Deo has soared to new heights as the proud owner of Bakewell Cakes and Magic Grill restaurant, following his humble beginnings as a baker.
Deo’s unwavering love for baking not only transformed his career but also captured the hearts of customers with his unwavering commitment to quality and innovation.
What started as a modest single bakery soon blossomed into a thriving enterprise, now boasting three branches of Bakewell Cakes and Magic Grills restaurant.
“Ah most of my employees who started up when I started up the business at first they are still with me until now I have got 24employees and we have got baking bakery right now where we produce all freshly products every day.
His success goes beyond his entrepreneurial accomplishments as he generously donates cakes to the residents of the Golden Age Home in Suva, ensuring that special occasions are celebrated with joy and sweetness.
Deo’s inspiring journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of passion and unwavering dedication.