Labour Leader Mahendra Chaudhry
Labour Leader Mahendra Chaudhry has expressed serious concerns at the warning from Finance Minister Biman Prasad that tax increases are “inevitable.”
He says this is quite disturbing as the increase in taxes, VAT, and customs duty will affect middle-income families.
The minister’s warning on tax increases came as he announced the formation of a 14-member Fiscal Review Committee.
Chaudhry is also critical of the composition of the committee.
He says it is regrettable to note that the membership of the FRC is mostly drawn from the well off in the community.
The Labour Leader says there is no representation of a farming community in the committee, the very people who are most vulnerable to Fiji’s economic and social woes.
He says the minister’s views on increasing taxes to reduce debt levels could mean substantial increases in both tax and non-tax revenues.
We have sent questions to the Finance Minister on this matter.