
Fijian students to benefit from new Ph.D. funding partnership

July 4, 2024 11:14 am

[Source: Supplied]

The Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Service has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Newcastle, aiming to foster collaboration for the joint funding of Ph.D. programs for Fijian citizens enrolling at the university.

TSLS Board Chair Ro Teimumu Kepa says the signing of the MoU is significant given UON’s reputation and strengths in research areas that address Fiji’s national priority areas.

Ro Teimumu says this collaboration will enhance human capacity and contribute towards socio-economic solutions in Fiji. She adds that for the 2025 academic year, the Fiji Government has established a new Scheme for Ph.D. & Masters Cost Sharing with Australian universities.

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The Chair says that the University of Newcastle is the first on board.

University of Newcastle’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Alex Zelinsky, says that the partnership between is a shining example of how collaborative efforts can drive academic and research success.