
Fiji seeks to strengthen agriculture sector

August 19, 2024 5:32 am

Fiji is placing agriculture at the forefront of its efforts to eradicate poverty, aiming to provide sustainable livelihoods, ensure food security, create jobs and drive economic growth.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka explained this focus during his visit to the Ningde Poverty Alleviation and Development Exhibition Hall in Fujian Province, China.

Rabuka acknowledged that Fiji has much to learn from China’s poverty alleviation strategies.

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These strategies, tailored to the specific needs of communities have enhanced livelihoods across China.

[Source: Fiji Government / Facebook]

Ningde, a region in Fujian Province holds particular significance as a testing ground for President Xi Jinping’s poverty alleviation initiatives.

Launched three decades ago when Xi was the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, these initiatives have been a cornerstone of his leadership with a strong emphasis on lifting Chinese citizens out of extreme poverty.

[Source: Fiji Government / Facebook]

Rabuka toured the exhibition hall, which featured displays detailing the history of Ningde’s poverty reduction efforts.

The exhibits showcased the region’s progress through texts, photos, videos, and models, all illustrating the targeted strategies that have transformed Ningde over the past 30 years under President Xi’s guidance.

The Prime Minister praised the resilience and determination of the people of Ningde, noting that their success serves as a model for poverty eradication.

He also reaffirmed Fiji’s commitment to addressing poverty through specific initiatives under the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Protection.

These initiatives include poverty benefits, social pension schemes, care and protection programs and food voucher systems.

Rabuka further emphasized the importance of strengthening Fiji’s agriculture sector, encouraging Fijians to make full use of available land to boost food security and improve livelihoods.