
Fiji pioneers new health modules in NCD survey

August 8, 2024 12:22 pm

The Health Ministry has partnered with the Fiji Bureau of Statistics to conduct an extensive survey aimed at understanding risk factor behaviors among Fijians aged 18 to 69.

During his Ministerial statement in Parliament today on the burden of Non-Communicable Diseases, Health Minister Dr Atonio Lalabalavu says these perceptions will help the Ministry track its progress toward achieving the Global NCD Action Plan, which aims to reduce premature mortality from NCDs by 25% by 2025.

Dr Lalabalavu states that for the first time, Fiji will introduce several innovative modules which will be part of the survey including a cervical cancer module, a suki (tobacco) module, an oral health module, extended nutrition questions, mental health modules and urinalysis.

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“By the end of the last financial year, the surveys for the Eastern Division were nearing completion, with surveys conducted in Kadavu, Ovalau, Rotuma, Lakeba, and the Lau Group.”

The Health Minister says this is the first time such collaboration has been undertaken, marking a significant step in the nation’s fight against non-communicable diseases.

These new assessments, part of the comprehensive Step Survey, were developed with Fiji playing a key role in their drafting and piloting.

An additional $480,000 has been allocated for this financial year to complete the survey in the Northern, Western, and Central Divisions.