
Fiji Navy makes progress on RFNS Puamau salvage operation

June 18, 2024 4:40 pm

[Source: Republic Of Fiji Navy]

The Republic of Fiji Navy has confirmed that de-hunkering operations conducted by RFNS Savenaca are nearing completion, with fuel transferred to a salvage vessel.

Meanwhile, salvage operations for RFNS Puamau are ongoing at Fulaga Passage.

In a statement, the Fiji Navy announced that a second salvage vessel, equipped with specialist recovery equipment and personnel, is expected to arrive at Fulaga within the next forty-eight hours for the recovery phase, pending favorable weather conditions.

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Since the grounding, only the stern compartment has experienced water ingress, which has been isolated and is currently under management.

The Navy salvage team on-site continues to monitor the vessel’s position and stability on the outer edge slope of the reef.

Under the direction of the Commander RFMF, due process for the Board of Inquiry into this incident will commence soon to gather factual evidence and formulate findings and recommendations for the inquiry.